When I do website audits, the most common mistake that I see is an absence of strategy. Specifically, the website copy is inside out. The business owner is shouting at visitors,
“Look at me. I’m amazing.”
Customers don’t buy what you are selling. Customers buy a solution to their problem.
Is your website shouting at visitors, or is it solving your customers’ problems?
Better Strategy Leads to Better Websites
There are many posts here about strategy—lots of words about something that, at its root, is not difficult. There are really only three parts: the customer avatar, the customer journey, and the implementation plan (the marketing funnel).
The challenge is that most marketers do, at best, two out of the three steps. Many do one out of three, and more don’t do anything at all. For a deeper understanding of this, please read 3 Steps to an Efficient Marketing Plan. In this post, we’re not going to talk about this. We’re going to talk about how the application of the strategy will improve your results and use a recent website launch as an example.
The Application of Strategy
Hey Chef is a private chef business that’s been supporting North Lake Tahoe for over twenty years. For readers who aren’t familiar with North Lake Tahoe, it’s the number one weekend playground for the well-off in the San Francisco Bay area. Its beauty is hard to explain. The lake and the mountains are a combination that’s hard to beat. But when I say well-off, I mean really well-off. An area in north lake Tahoe is one of the wealthiest zip codes in America. And these are mostly weekend/vacation homes. These are HeyChef’s customers.
From the before and after images below, you can see that their previous website was outdated, but more importantly, it didn’t speak to the audience they attracted; it didn’t solve their problem. It was missing strategy. The new design and messaging were developed to represent the glamour and luxury that the prime prospects wanted.
To visit the live site, follow this link, HeyChef – Private Chefs in Truckee.
HeyChef.com – Before and After
As you can see from the screenshot, there was an almost immediate lift in site traffic and activity after the January 2nd launch. This frequently happens when we redesign a website due to applying strategy to structure, design, and copy. A better understanding of the best customers and their journey results in a better website.
If you would like us to understand how your website can do a better job engaging visitors, go to SixSecondsorLess.com and book a complimentary website audit.