Welcome to Inn8ly Lite

You are one step closer to a website that works for your customers and your business.


As you add content to your new website, keep in mind that it’s not about you—it’s about the people visiting the website.

Know Your Audience

The better you understand your audience, the more prepared you will be to choose content for your website. The words, the pictures, and everything on each page should be selected to support your audience’s journey.

Clear – Not Clever

While what you do is important, especially to you, it’s only one of many things going on in your audience’s life. Respect this and choose your words and images with this in mind. In every situation, clear is better than clever. Engage their interest by appealing to their needs. Draw them along pathways with benefits they will understand.

What You Purchased

  • A design template that you can modify with your words and images.
  • If you aren’t familiar with the WordPress editor, look for WP101 in the dashboard sidebar. A full range of tutorials is included in your subscription.
  • Form software is included.
    • You can use it to edit the Contact form included in the design template or create a new form, like a newsletter signup form.
    • The form software will integrate with common email service providers.
  • Basic SEO technology. (We add the technology to facilitate SEO. SEO management services are not included. We will help you find a resource to execute an SEO strategy for your business.)
  • Basic tracking script management to add and manage scripts like Google Analytics 4 or the Facebook script.
    • Look for Tracking Scripts Manager in the dashboard sidebar.
  • Advanced modern hosting and security.

What You Didn’t Purchase

Inn8ly Lite is a DIY solution. While we’ve made every effort to make editing the site easy, you will need to add the copy and images required to make the website yours. WP101 tutorials are included in your subscription. The tutorial videos cover everything you will need to know to edit your website.

Of course, the Inn8ly team is there for you. If you would rather have one of our content specialists build out your pages, you can purchase a content support bundle, and we will assign a content specialist to you.

Next Steps

You will receive an email from us with your login credentials. You can use your credentials to access the design template.

Step One

You will need to set up the global settings.

  • Go to Edit Site (You will find it in the black bar across the top of the page, or if you are in the Dashboard, look for Appearance > Editor.)
  • In the Design section, you will see a number of global areas you can see to manage the global settings
    • Navigation is where you edit the navigation.
    • Styles is where you set the fonts and adjust the color palette used by the website.
    • Pages give you access to the pages on your site. Select the page you wish to edit, and then select the pencil icon to edit the page’s content.
    • Templates is where you can edit or create new page templates. (This is advanced and likely not something you will want to do.)
    • Patterns is where you can see the pre-built patterns that come with the design template. You can also use this section to edit template parts, like the header and footer. Look for “manage all template parts.”
  • There are tutorials in WP101 you can use to understand how to make these changes.

You will need to add your images and copy.

  • In the site editor, you can access and edit individual pages. You can also find the pages from the Dashboard. Look for Pages in the left sidebar navigation.
  • Placeholder images and lorem ipsum copy have been used throughout the design. You will need to update these elements with your images and copy.
  • The image placeholders have the recommended image size and formats that should be used. Be sure you own the license for any images you use.

Step Two

Launching your website is not complicated. There are some things we need to do, but there are only two things that you need to do. When you are ready for the site to go live, email us at [email protected] and let us know. Once we have completed our tasks will will send you the server’s IP address along with generic instructions you will need to update the domain registrar’s DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings. The domain registrar is where you purchased your domain name. The changes you’ll make direct traffic asking for your domain to the server where your site is hosted.

You can manage your new site here