Hire a Pro to Write Your eBook


You see it all the time, people offering a free eBook on a variety of subjects. You want one. You want to promote your services, let everyone know that you are the expert in your field. But when will you get the time to write your ebook? 

Writing wasnโ€™t your best subject in school and, in truth, you donโ€™t really like to write. Itโ€™s daunting, and even if you thought you could write it yourself, when would you get the time to do so? And then thereโ€™s the visuals, the covers, the charts, the graphs, all those images that make the book exciting. Youโ€™re not a graphic artist!

Did you know you can hire someone to write your eBook or any book for that matter? 

Those folks are called ghostwriters and they write for a living. Also, they make it easy for you.

How does a ghostwriter write my book without being an expert in what I do?

Well, in a number of ways. 

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They work with you to create your outline.

First things first, an experienced ghostwriter will spend an hour or so with you and help you define the most salient points that you want to cover. Then, they will help you create subcategories within those top-level points.

For example, a book on how to sell your house with ease might have a chapter titled: Setting the Stage with subtitles likeโ€ฆ

  • Clearing the Clutter
  • Odor Control
  • Cleaning Tips and Tricks

They can interview you.

Depending on the length of your eBook, they might meet you anywhere from 4 to 8 times on average and all you have to do is talk. Once they have pulled the information from your big old brain, they will write chapter by chapter.

They can create a book from existing content.

If you have blogs, podcasts, or speeches they can pull from, a good ghostwriter can organize all those random thoughts into a book. It might mean less time meeting with you personally but they can take what you have already created and weave that content into a seamless manuscript.

Ghostwriters understand one of the most important things about writing โ€“ RESEARCH.

A professional ghostwriter knows the importance of digging in and doing the research. So, no matter what the subject, if you can guide your ghostwriter by telling him or her what topics you want covered in your book, they will collect the pertinent data and write something powerful and informative even though they arenโ€™t the expert you are. A few sessions to read through and add your comments and insights, and you have an eBook.

Most importantly, they get to know you.

By listening to you, reading your content, watching your videos, interviews, or listening to your podcasts, they begin to identify your voice. A professional ghostwriter wants your book to sound like YOU wrote it, and so should you. 

What can I do with my eBook once itโ€™s finished?

Your eBook, or any book you write for that matter, is like the โ€œmothershipโ€ of content. Think of it as a repository of golden nuggets you can reach into and use in myriad ways.

You canโ€ฆ

Give your eBook away as a lead generation tool.

Use it on your website to capture names and email addresses. Remember, if they take the โ€œfree gift,โ€ they give you permission to reach out and contact them later. Just make sure that they understand that and that you are going to add them to a list on a reputable email service provider like MailChimp or Active Campaign. 

And think about it, why would they take this free gift if they had no interest in what it had to offer. Personally, I hate Brussel sprouts. You can give them away free every day of the week and I wonโ€™t take them. No one takes free things they donโ€™t want unless they know someone else who might want them. Just as good if someone takes your free eBook for a friend or loved one.

Use it for your speaking engagements at events, on summits, workshops, or when being interviewed on podcasts. Create a link where they canโ€ฆ you guessed itโ€ฆ give you their contact information and download their free copy. The same parameters apply as putting this on your website.

Use your eBook as a prize/giveaway.

Tear off little bites of the book for numerous purposes.

Social media posts, blogs, quotes from the book for use on your website, speeches can all come directly from your book. This saves time and shows youโ€™re branding yourself. Branding isnโ€™t just about colors and logos. Your words are part of your branding. Be consistent. 

Take the content of your eBook and add questions, exercises, and challenges. Now, your reader is interacting with your content. Now, they have a reason to reach out to you for advice and you have a reason to reach out to them to see what they are learning and how you might help them progress. 

Create a workbook.

Create a course.

Take the eBook that you have now turned into a workbook and sell it as a course. A course can generate a lot more revenue than a book. You can often ask 10 to 20 times more for a course that uses the material and your workbook than just the price of selling the book. Your students may become bigger clients or want to work one on one with you as a private client. You can create groups and grow your fan base. Rabid fans mean big bucks.

Yes, you can ask for money for this valuable information you are offering in your eBook. Look at similar books on Amazon and see what they are asking for the Kindle version of their book and price yourself accordingly. You can also sell it as a download on your website. Now, you will have made a little scratch and you know that you have the contact information for someone who needs or wants what you are offering. You can have the book printed and sell it at events. It’s possible that it may work as a print book as well. 

Sell your eBook.

What about graphics, do I need those?

When you work with ghostwriters, you also get their graphics team. EBooks need to have a beautiful, professionally designed cover. EBooks that have interesting graphics, a well-designed and balanced interior layout with colorful and engaging images, show the reader that you are a PRO. 

Watch out for pitfalls: 3 reasons to NOT create an eBook!

So, now that I have convinced you why you should have an eBook (or a few of them) in your arsenal, let me explain why you might not be a good fit for eBook creation.

Lack of willingness to promote yourself.

Many authors think that once a book was written, the world would flock to him/her automatically. Umโ€ฆ no. Books that are not marketed are like business cards under a rock. You can have the most elegant business card in the world, with all your information clearly spelled out but if you stick it under a rock and never hand it out, it never gets seen.

Your book is no different. You need to tout it on your website, tell your friends and family to go get it, spread the word on social media, and read excerpts from it at networking meetings. You will use it as a tool to get attention, yes, but give it attention too. 

You donโ€™t know your POV (Point of View) and unique selling proposition.

The world’s hard drives are full of eBooks that haven’t been read.

Do you know why?

Because the eBooks are not unique in their content, the information is not clearly defined, and the person who was excited to get the free download or purchased the book for $3.99 is disappointed by the first chapter or two and never reads the rest.

To start with, the topic has to be valuable. The title needs to communicate the benefits clearly and then follow through on delivering those benefits. This is another reason to work with a pro! 

You very likely know your subject, but knowing why your take on it is different, may not be clear yet. Discovering what makes you the best health coach, why your diet program is different, and why your approach to business and finance is unique, needs to be expressed within the confines of those 5,000 to 15,000 words succinctly and powerfully. Sometimes itโ€™s hard to see the picture when our nose is pressed up against it. We may need someone to help us step back and look at it from different angles to really know our POV and express it to the masses.

Youโ€™re expecting to make big bucks with your eBook (or any book you write)

Books rarely make any money strictly from sales. EBooks can bring people to the table, but you have to feed them when they get there. Youโ€™ve no doubt heard the expression, โ€œThe fortune is in the follow-up.โ€ No truer words were spoken when it comes to eBooks. When you create your ebook, you MUST create a funnel, get the name, email address, and phone number (yes phone number) of anyone who wants it for free.

If you are selling your ebook on your site for a nominal fee, get that contact info when they purchase.

Thenโ€ฆ FOLLOW-UP!.

Email them, send a text, and send them a link to your online scheduler so they can book some free time with you to talk about why they took the free book or bought the cheap download. What do they need? What problem can you solve for them? Have an OFFER ready, not to hard-sell them, but to help them with whatever they need that brought them to your table. Reaching out to them without a next step to take is a waste of their time and yours. You gave them valuable information, now you can talk to them about that information without having to spend hours explaining what you do and how you do it.

They read your book. They know all that, and they are on the phone, in the zoom room, meeting with you. The book was the appetizer. Have the entree and dessert ready.

EBook Ghost Writing

Our ghostwriters will find the best way to create your book with the least stress and strain for you. Our graphics team will create the visuals that make your eBook stand out!

Conclusion – Hiring a Pro to Write Your eBook

In this post, we’ve covered how to use a pro to help you create an ebook. We’ve also described some ways that you can use your ebook once it has been created. Finally, for a bit of perspective, we covered a number of reasons why you shouldn’t invest in an ebook.

If you are intrigued by the idea but don’t have the budget right now, it’s possible to DIY your first ebook. Read our post, How to Create an EBook Lead Magnet for an approach to doing it yourself and more ways that you can generate value with an ebook.

Are you ready to jump in and get that eBook written?

If you are prepared to do the work, shine a light on your skillset and expertise, and utilize the content of your ebook in every way possible, we want to talk to you.  We have people who can help you create exactly what you need to generate more leads, make more sales, and get you noticed. Ask us how.

Author: Lil Barcaski

Business Strategist โ€“ Ghostwriter/ Publisher โ€“ Speaking Coach – Playwright

Lil Barcaski is a self-starting entrepreneur with a diverse background that spans from successful restaurateur to highly trained writer and performer. 

A much sought-after ghostwriter, in the last 15 years, Lil has ghostwritten what feels like a gazillion books in the business, memoir, and even fiction genres, and is a playwright and blogger. 

Lil believes in working and writing for The Greater Good. โ€œWhen you write and work to inspire, educate, and elevate others, you are living your best life with integrity and honor.โ€

You can learn more about Lil and the Ghost Writer’s Network on their website: ghostwritersnetwork.com